Only something that can be converted to a string(including variables and functions that return a string) is allowed to be put in the curly braces{} in Vuejs templates
We cannot use curly braces in any HTML element attribute. Instead, use v-bind:{attribute} to bind properties from vue instance.
v-once will only render the value once and never update.
Vuejs by default doesn’t render HTML, use v-html to bind a HTML tag value
$event(naming) is preserved for the automatically created event object in Vue event handling, pass own argument together with $event in Vue event handler functions, and the $event always go in the last place.
Simple Javascript expressions are supported in Vue templates, e.g n++, counter *2 and ternary expression A ? B : C
Vue has the computed property, which is aware that it should be only executed when the data property it references changed. Keep in mind that only use the function way if you want it to be re-calculated everytime.
Computed properties always need to run synchroniously, watch functions gives much more possibility when you want to do more complext tasks on property changed, like async tasks.
:class is used to specify addional css class in the binding way, it receives an javascript object with css class name as key and the condition as the value, or we can also directly bind to a string or string array which indicate the css class names.
:style is used to directly specifiy additional css styles in the binding way, it receives an javascript object with css property name as key and css property value as the value.
Conditionals and Lists Rendereing
<template> in HTML5 will not be rendered but act as a virtual container for multiple elements.
v-if really attaches or detaches elements to the DOM(Not hidden).
v-show just hide the elements in the DOM by setting the css property display:none.
Use v-for="(item, index) in items" to get the index of the element. The order is important, the first of the parentheses is the current element, second is the index of that element.
v-for can also be used to loop an object itself. Use v-for="(value, key, index) in object" to loop key and value for an object. Again, the order is important, the first of the parentheses is the property value, the second is the property name(key), the third is the index.
v-for="n in 10" is supported to loop a range of numbers.
When using v-for, by default VueJS keeps track of every element in the array using the element’s position. If we’d make sure VueJS track the actual item, we can specifiy a v-bind:key="" to tell VueJS how to uniquely identifiy each element.
Communications between Components
Use props to pass variables from the parent components to child components.
pass object to props to define more detailed configuration like validation.
a property setup in props also get setup in the data object.
Pass callback function to child component to communicate from parent component to child component.
Vue component extends Vue instance and have access to this.$emit() method which is used to emit custom events.
Use another Vue instance to act as a global event bus object.
Loading Dynamic Contents
Use slot for components to preseve content placeholders.
Only styles in components which contain the slot will work.
<slot></slot> without a name is treated as default slot. We can use name attribute to define a named slot.
slot is a vuejs preseved attribute to specify name for a slot.
Use component to dynamically load different components, is attribute is used to bind the target component tag.
By default, the component instance is destroyed once the dynamic component re-evaluates the bound component tag.
Use keep-alive to wrap a dynamic component to prevent a loaded component instance to be destroyed. E.g, routing view components.
For dynamic components, we have activated and deactivated lifecycle hook methods to use whenever navigating in and away under kept-alive wrapped.
Handling User Inputs with Forms
@click.native modifier means to fire the click event from the inner HTML element that really handles click event
Vuejs provides some modifiers for v-model:
v-model.lazy to use change event instead of input event.
v-model.trim will trim all white spaces at the beginning and at the end.
v-model.number to convert the input to a number. By default the input value is a string.
Use white-space: pre to output multi-line string from textarea. See it here in MDN
Binding 2 inputs(checkbox) to the same v-model, vuejs will automatically detect it and merge the 2 values into an array
Also bind 2 radios inputs to the same v-model, vuejs will detect that both radio buttons belong to the same group, and set the value to the selected one.
What v-model does behind the scenes:
use v-bind:value to the given property
use v-on:input or v-on:change(.lazy modifier) = “{property} = $”
the v-model actually gives the value of the bound property to the underlying component’s props[“value”].
v-model listens to input or change events, so we need to emit the event in custom component.
Use model property to map prop name and event in components.
Use v-on:[event] to listen to dynamic events.
Using and Creating Directives
Built-in directives:
Custom Directives
Use Vue.directive('name-of-directive', {}) to register a directive globally.
Use directives property in component configuration object to register directive locally.
The -v prefix is needed to inform vuejs that it is a directive when using a custom directive.
Configure a directive by using 5 hooks:
bind(el, binding, vnode): fires once directive is attached, binding and vnode should be treated as readonly.
insert(el, binding, vnode): fires once inserted in parent node
update(el, binding, vnode, oldVnode): fires once Component is updated(without Children)
componentUpdated(el, binding, vnode, oldVnode): fires once Component is updated(with Children)
unbind(el, binding, vnode): fires once Directive is Removed
Use v-{directive} to use the directive, use binding.value to get whatever the user enter between the quotation marks when passing it with the equal sign. It also supports complex object, since vuejs doesn’t care what type it is.
Use v-{directive}:{argument} to allow for directive arguments, use binding.arg to access the argument key.
Use v-{directive}:{argument}.{modifier} to allow for modifiers, use binding.modifiers['key'] to access certian modifier.
Filters and Mixins
Use Vue.filter('name-of-filter', function(value){}) to register a filter globally.
Use filters property in component configuration object to register filters locally, and the function follows function(value){ } and return a transformed value.
Use {property} | {filter} to apply filter to bound properties.
Use {property} | {filter1} | {filter2} to applied multiple filters, the output of {property} | {filter1} will be the input of {filter2}.
Vuejs is not able to detect when it should rerun the filter or not, actually it will rerun the filter upon each re-rendering of the DOM. This can be a limit for filter due to performance reasons when compared to computed properties.
Use mixins property in component configuration object to register mixins locally, which is an array to receive all the code snippets as mixins.
Use Vue.mixins({}) to register global mixins, but keep in mind that global mixins always execute first.
How Vuejs merge mixins:
The data in Vue component instance is always right, and it tries to add new things from the mixins to the existing instance
Lifecycle hooks from mixins will also be merged, and execution order is mixins first, thereafter the component.
Data in mixins are not shared, it is created per Vue instance.
Routing Modes
The hash mode(#) allows the segments after the # tag to be handled by the javascript application. It is the default mode.
The history mode removes the # tag and the web server needs to be configured to return the index.html file in all circumstances. See the HTML5 History Mode
Use const router = new VueRouter({routes}); to define and construct the router in the very basic case.
Use router-view tag to load the components coming from the router.
Use router-link tag to render a link to other routes. By using router-link there is an implicit click event listener attached to it, which will not do the default behavor of sending a request, instead it simply listens to the click and loads the correct route.
Use <router-link tag="li"> to tell router-link to render the link in a li tag.
Use <router-link active-class="active"> to tell router-link to attach the active class name active to the element
Use <router-link exact> to tell router-link to treat the element as active only when the path exactly match. Without the exact attribute, it will treat all elements starting with the path as active.
In Vue instance code, use this.$route to access Route property.
In Vue instance code, use this.$router to access the router instance, where we can call:
.push('{path-string}'): to navigate to certain routes.
The route params does not get updated if 2 routes using the same component and gets loaded to router-view, this is because the page does not really reload. To solve this problem, use watch or computed property to update it.
Reacting to Params Changes on same component: the lifecycle hooks of the component will not be called. To react to param changes in the same component, we can simply watch the $route object, or use the beforeRouteUpdate navigation guard. If you don’t want the Vue-Router uses the same instance of the component, attach a key attribute to <router-view> to distinguish every instance it loads.
Paths of children routes can start with / or without /. With / means the path goes directly after the domain, while without / means to inherit the parent path.
The '' path will get loaded to router-view by default.
// in router configuration: const router = new VueRouter({ routes, scrollBehavior(to, from, savedPosition) { // navigate the user back to where he was from if(savedPostion){ return savedPosition } // if there is a hash, scroll it down if(to.hash){ return { select: to.hash }; } // if not, scroll it to the top. return { x: 0, y: 0 }; } })
// in :to property, hash property stands for the anchor { name: 'userEdit', params: { id: $ }, hash: '#data' }"
Navigation Routes Guard
3 places to set up if a user is allowed to enter certain routes:
in router.beforeEach((to, from, next)=>{}), it gets executed all the time;
beforeEnter property in route definition which only applies to certain routes.
beforeRouteEnter hook inside component, which applies to certain components.
beforeRouteLeave in the component is the only place to check if the user is allowed to leave. this is accessible in this hook.
Remember to call next() to proceed, possible parameters to pass to next() function is:
Nothing: the navigation will proceed.
A false to abort the route.
A path or an object(including params and redirect) that defines the path you want to navigate to.
A callback function: this is not accessible in beforeRouteEnter hook, but we can pass a callback function next(vm=>{}) to access Vue instance properties.
Loading Routes Lazily
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// The User component gets loaded on demand const User = (resolve) => { require.ensure(["./components/user/User.vue"], () => { resolve(require("./components/user/User.vue")); }); };
State Management
Use npm install --save vuex to install the vuex.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
exportconst store = new Vuex.Store({ state: { counter: 0, }, });
import { store } from"./store/store.js"; new Vue({ el: "#app", store: store, render: (h) => h(App), });
Mutations is for the purpose of tracking changes, it must run synchronously, otherwise the order of changes will not match the order of mutation happens.