Web Front-end Notes - Modern CSS Layouts

Flex Layout

Flex container properties, first candidate value is also the initial value:

  • flex-direction: row | row-reverse | column | column-reverse: controls the main and cross axis direction
    • row: Initial value, main axis from left to right, cross axis from top to bottom.
    • row-reverse: main axis from right to left, cross axis from top to bottom.
    • column: main axis from top to bottom, cross axis from left to right.
    • column-reverse: main axis from bottom to top, cross axis from left to right.
  • flex-wrap: nowrap | wrap | wrap-reverse:
    • nowrap: Initial value, all items will be placed in one row.
    • wrap: wrap items into multiple rows where there’s not enough space for one row.
  • justify-content: flex-start | flex-end | center | space-between | space-around | space-evenly: controls how the items are aligned along the main axis.
    • flex-start: Initial value, stack all items to the start point of the main axis and give no space between them.
    • flex-end: stack all items to the end point of the main axis and give no space between them.
    • space-between: distributes flex items evenly in the main axis.
    • space-around: puts the same amount of space on both the left and the right side of each item.
    • space-evenly: distribute items and put always the same space between each item and the edge.
  • align-items: stretch | flex-start | flex-end | center | baseline: controls how the items are aligned along the cross axis.
    • stretch: Initial value, stretch all items to the height of the highest item unless their individual height property is set.
    • flex-start: align all items to the start point of the cross axis.
    • flex-end: align all items to the end point of the cross axis.
    • center: align all items to the center of the cross axis.
    • baseline: align the text on each item along a line.
  • align-content: stretch | flex-start | flex-end | center | space-between | space-around: controls how multiple rows align along the cross axis
    • stretch: Initial value, stretch all the rows(not visible) to the same height of the highest row.
    • flex-start: stack all the rows to the start point of the cross axis
    • flex-end: stack all the rows to the end point of the cross axis
    • center: center all the rows along the cross axis
    • space-between: distribute the rows along the across axis
    • space-around: same logic for align-items value.

Flex item properties:

  • align-self: auto | stretch | flex-start | flex-end | center | baseline: overrides the align-items property for one individual item.
  • order: 0 | <integer>: change the source order of each item. Lower order value gets closer to the start point of the main axis.
  • flex-grow: 0 | <integer>: defines how the item grow, it only matters in relation to other numbers. If one item’s flex-grow is set to 1(or other number other than 0) and the rest of items are set to 0, then this item will occupy all the remaining space as it can.
  • flex-shrink: 1 | <integer>: value 1 means the item is allowed to shrink, while value 0 means not allow the item to shrink.
  • flex-basis: auto | <integer>: specify a percentage of the width of one item in relation to other items, not using width property. However, even if we set the property to a specific value, it will shrink when the view port width is not enough to fit the width. To avoid that, we can set flex-shrink value to 0.
  • flex: <flex-grow> <flex-shrink> <flex-basis>: short-hand for the 3 properties.


  • display:flex does not only works for container and items, but also works for text element. e.g, align a text in span element.
  • margin-right(left): auto set to a flex item element will occupy as much space as it can adjacent to its previous or next element. It’s a powerful trick to layout items in flex box.
  • -webkit-mask-image and -webkit-mask-size helps to define a mask in CSS

Grid Layout(TBD)